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5 things you can
do to help prepare
for floods.

Number one in a circle icon

Know your flood risk 

Check with your local floodplain management authority to see whether your property is at a high risk of flooding. Depending on where you live this could be the local council, catchment management authority, water authority, or territory government.

Number two in a circle icon

Have an emergency flood plan and practice it with your household  

Understand the warnings and signs that will trigger your flood plan. Know in advance your flood-safe evacuation routes, where you will stay and who you will call. Put together an emergency kit and protect sentimental belongings by placing them on high shelves or in waterproof bags.

Number three in a circle icon

Move what household items you can to a higher place

Put furniture and rugs up onto beds and tables. Place electrical items on top of furniture and cupboards.

Number four in a circle icon

Turn off the electricity,
gas and water

Number five in a circle icon

Store poisons well above
ground level

Store poisons and chemicals on high shelves to reduce contamination of flood water. 

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